My Story

I I have done many things: created art, films, music and more, but the journey of healing I have been on for the past 16 years has been the central thrust in my life.

As I uncovered and healed through various traumas, along the way I gained a an understanding of somatics and the role our bodies play in healing as well as how our nervous systems are wired for connection, and the interplay between the nervous system and our brains. I became aware of myself as a powerful empath and someone who can help people pass through difficult emotional and energetic space and experiences. I have always had clairvoyant moments and premonitions, but I become more embodied found a deeper connection to these gifts, and the skills to work with and harness them. In short, I have walked the path of healing.

With a gift somatic body intution, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and a general intuition and ability to listen to the messages from deep within myself and the universe I turned to Reiki and Tarot as an path towards using it all in service.

The powerful work of soul retrieval and inner-child parts work I did in therapy did much to hone these abilities like a finely sharpened tool. Now I offer these gifts to others in the form of Reiki and Tarot. I love what I do, and the opportunity to serve and help others on their healing journeys is an honor and a true joy. Grounded, authentic, and connected is who I am, and is what you will get when you come to see me.
